

教学目标 知识与能力 能口头运用What did Lingling go yesterday?这类语句询问过去发生的事情,并能口头运用Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school.这类语句回答。


 过程与方法 运用所学语言描述过去所发生的事情。
 情感与态度 通过对比中国和英国学生的不同生活,增强学生的跨文化交际的意识。
重点 区分一般现在时态和一般过去时态的运用。
难点 熟练准确的用所学知识描述自己或者他人的学校生活。
教法 使用情景交际法和任务型,使学生能够熟练掌握本课的单词和句型。
学法 小组合作竞赛。
准备 课件、录音机、单词卡片等等  
预习设计 复述Amy的学校生活,预习本节课的单词和课文。
教学过程 施教者调整
Step Ⅰ: Greetings
T: Hello! How are you?
Ss: Im fine, thank you.
T: What time did you get up?
Ss: At seven oclock.
T: What time did you go to school?
Ss: At half past seven.
T: Do you like skip rope?
Ss: Yes, I do.\ No, I dont.
Step Ⅱ:Warming up
1. Last class we have known something about Amys school life. You must find differences between Chinas school life and Englands school life. Now please tell me your answer.
T: They start school at 8 oclock.
Ss: China.
T: They play in the playground before 9 oclock.
Ss: England.
2 Review Unit 1 simply.
Step :New teaching
1 Lingling went to Amys school, and then she wrote a letter to Daming. Do you want to know what did Lingling tell Daming? Lets learn Unit 2 today.  
2 (1)Listen to the tape and underline the new words 
(2)Teach and practice the new words in different ways.
  3 Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.
     Q1: Where did Lingling go yesterday?
     Q2: What time do they start school in England?     Q3: What do they do in the playground? 
     Q4: What did Lingling do with the girls?
     Q5: What time did the bell ring?
     Q6: What did they do then?
  4 Learn the A3, let the students read the words, and then teach these pronunciations.
  5 Study the song of A4, then divide the class into two groups to sing the song.  
Step Ⅴ: Practice
     Work in groups to Practice A5,like this:
     A: look! What time is it now?
     B: Its 3 oclock.
     A: What do you do at 3 oclock?
     B: I have Music at 3 oclock.
Step Ⅵ :Homework
Read and repeat the text, tell your friends Amys school life.  


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