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查询关键字:Lynne Thompson

医生平安夜_英文有声小说_The Doctor's Christmas Eve
[英语小说] 医生平安夜_英文有声小说_The Doctor's Christmas Eve ( 已完成 )
作者: James Lane ALLEN 章/节数: 16
内容介绍: “医生平安夜”有声小说是英国科幻电视节目who医生情节。它是第六who医生圣诞特别自2005年该计划的复兴,并播出了2010年12月25日双方BBC一和BBC美国,
Junior Classics Volume 5 Stories That Never Grow Old
[英语小说] Junior Classics Volume 5 Stories That Never Grow Old ( 已完成 )
作者: William PATTEN 章/节数: 53
内容介绍: A selection of famous tales selected and re-worked for a junior audience. Stories are taken from Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's
[英语小说] 乡下姑娘A_Little_Country_Girl ( 已完成 )
作者: Susan Coolidge 章/节数: 12
内容介绍: Candace makes the first long trip of her young life alone. Everything is new, from the ocean views, to the fashionable people she encounters
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