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查询关键字:Kevin McAsh

[英语小说] The_Founder_of_New_France_A_Chronicle_of_Champlain ( 已完成 )
作者: Charles W. Colby 章/节数: 7
内容介绍: For Canada, Champlain is not alone a heroic explorer of the seventeenth century, but the founder of Quebec; and it is a rich part of our her
[英语小说] 汤姆史威夫特在奇境Tom_Swift_in_the_Land_of_Wonders ( 已完成 )
作者: Victor Appleton 章/节数: 26
内容介绍: Tom Swift is the young protagonist in a series of juvenile adventure novels which began in the early twentieth century and continue to the p
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