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查询关键字:john muir

A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf
[英语小说] A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf ( 已完成 )
作者: John Muir,PeterJenkins 章/节数: 11
内容介绍: Here is the adventure that started John Muir on a lifetime ofdiscovery. Taken from his earliest journals, this book recordsMuir's walk in 18
[英语小说] The_Yosemite ( 已完成 )
作者: John Muir 章/节数: 26
内容介绍: In this nature-writing classic, John Muir eloquently portrays the valley he called his “marvelous wonderland,” providing detailed descript
[英语小说] The_Mountains_of_California ( 已完成 )
作者: John Muir 章/节数: 20
内容介绍: ohn Muir (1838-1914) was one of the first modern preservationists. His letters, essays, and books telling of his adventures in nature, and w
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