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查询关键字:Edith Wharton

[英语小说] 伊登·弗洛姆_Ethan_Frome_EdithWharton ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 11
内容介绍: Tragic novel by Edith Wharton, published in 1911. Wharton's original style and her use of hard-edged irony and the flashback technique set E
[英语小说] In_His_Step ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 25
内容介绍: The House of Mirth (1905), by Edith Wharton, is a novel about New York socialite Lily Bart attempting to secure a husband and a place in ric
[英语小说] The_House_of_Mirth ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 30
内容介绍: The House of Mirth (1905), by Edith Wharton, is a novel about New York socialite Lily Bart attempting to secure a husband and a place in ric
[英语小说] The_House_of_Mirth ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 30
内容介绍: The House of Mirth (1905), by Edith Wharton, is a novel about New York socialite Lily Bart attempting to secure a husband and a place in ric
[英语小说] Afterward_后来 ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 2
内容介绍: Mary and Ned Boyne have fled their dreary life in Wisconsin for a home in rustic Dorsetshire. But you can only run so far, and some things -
[英语小说] age_of_innocence_纯真年代 ( 已完成 )
作者: Edith Wharton 章/节数: 34
内容介绍: In an era before the advent of electric lights, telephones or motor vehicles, there exists a small cluster of aristocratic “old revolutiona
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