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 《鲁滨逊漂流记-robinson Crusoe内容简介:

鲁滨逊漂流记-robinson Crusoe_英语有声小说的作者,是出生于一六六零年的英国作家笛福。他出生于伦敦,一个从事屠宰业的家庭。少年是他在长老会的学校里接受中等教育,但是却没有上过大学

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本书鲁滨逊漂流记-robinson Crusoe首次出版是在一七一九年,分为三个部分,以日记的方式进行全文的写作。主人公没有遵从父母的意愿,而下海前往女王港。海上的旅程颠簸且危险,他被海盗劫持成了一名奴隶。在这里两年后,他同一个男孩一起逃跑,并被一名船长求下。在船长的帮助下,他在巴西拥有了一片种植园。过了数年的安稳生活之后,他又想要进行航海,却遇到了大风 ,到了一个小岛上。在这里,原本打算杀死食人族的他,最终放弃的自己的计划,并救下了一个俘虏。他们在这里生活了下来,并打开制造大船准备离开。当多年后,他终于离开了之时回到自己的家里时,却发现家人以为他早已死去。最后,他又回到了自己在巴西的种植园,平静的生活了下去。

Daniel Defoe’s The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner (1719) is considered by many the first English novel. Based on the real-life experiences of the castaway Alexander Selkirk, the book has had a perrenial appeal among readers of all ages-–especially the young adult reading public–-who continue to find inspiration in the inventive resourcefulness of its hero, sole survivor of a shipwreck who is marooned on an uninhabited island.

Especially poignant, after more than two decades of unbroken solitude, is the affection that Robinson develops for Friday, another survivor fleeing certain death at the hands of enemy tribesmen from the South American continent.